
Fresh off the boat 2pac dear mama
Fresh off the boat 2pac dear mama

You want her to win and get her happily ever after - yes, there's that thread of romance that I like in ALL my books! However, despite knowing she's gotta survive in the end, it's touch-and-go till the very end, with one surprise after another. Liv is a gutsy heroine, who's hard not to barrack for. EVERYONE seems capable and suspicious on more than one occasion.

fresh off the boat 2pac dear mama

There's a hook at the end of each chap that keeps you turning the pages as you wonder if the stalker is Liv's best friend, her best friend's husband, her new friend and supposed protector, someone in her office building or her ex. Jaye cleverly sets the scene so that after a couple of days of this happening, Liv has NO IDEA who to turn to.

fresh off the boat 2pac dear mama

If that's not horrid enough, she'd beaten up by a thug and then the stalking starts. Threatening, scary notes and worse, bad things happening to people whom she loves. This is the story of a Livia, a capable business woman and mum who's going through some pretty rough stuff in her personal life - marriage break-down, father dying.

fresh off the boat 2pac dear mama

I read Jaye's debut BEYOND FEAR last year and loved it, so have been looking forward to this book for a while.

Fresh off the boat 2pac dear mama